RamVille 2.0


A complete informative list of more than 36000 cities and locations in France.

RamVille is a guide or directory of all the cities and locations in France, more than 36000 in total. For each area the program offers you the following detailed information:

Postcode, INSEE number, number of inhabitants from different census over time, density, surface area, number of main homes, and number of secondary or unused homes. All the data comes from the census of 2005, and from 19999 for older information. You can choose if you want to see the information in histograms, or via other types of graphics.

RamVille makes searches for set cities in all of France, in a set department, in old provinces or in administrative regions. Also, it isn´t necessary to know the exact spelling of each place: the search engine lets you determine the phonetic sensitivity, and you can use special characters (?? ? and ?*? respectively), which work to replace an unknown character. RamVille can also do searches via the postcode or the INSEE number.


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